
6 ways to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection with Real World Examples

“I am not interested” sales objections can often feel like the end of a sales conversation. But, in reality it is just one of the many opportunities to start a conversation about how to solve a prospective customer’s problem.

Overcoming this sales objection usually requires you to think through, understand a prospect and apply certain tactics that get them to share the real objection with you. In this blog post, we are going to show you a few “I am not interested” sales objection templates that you can use to achieve the same.

Example 1- How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

One way to handle this objection is by simply agreeing to the customer by using the false sense of choice. That way they answer either and you still achieve what you were set out to do.

For example, if a customer says “I am not interested in your service/product”, your response should follow the template below.

“I am not interested” Objection Handling Template 1

“Are you not interested in the {product/service} because of me reaching out at the wrong time or do you feel so because you don’t understand how it will help you?”

There are a couple of versions of this template that you can try out, a common one is that we see people use a version where they replace “or do you feel so because you don’t understand how it will help you?” with:

“Or is it because you don’t fully understand what we are offering and how it will benefit your company?” - the difference here is very small, but it can potentially offend a prospect into think that you are assuming that they are dumb.

Example 2 - How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

Let’s think about this for a while, the previous sales objection was targeted towards a prospective customer that may or may not have been able to understand the product. But, what to do if there’s a customer who clearly understands the product and has a good understanding of how it will help their organization?

To solve this problem, think about what it is that you can truly influence? You are unlikely to change their mind through pressure sales tactics! The only solution is to follow up and make sure when they are in-market, you are already on top of their mind. That’s why we need to establish when would be the best time to reach out again. So, if that’s where you are at with a prospect, you should consider using the template below

“I am not interested” Sales Objection Handling Template 2

“Of course, I understand that you are not interested in our {product/service} right now. When would be a good time for me to reach out again?”

Example 3 - How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

Pivoting is another strategy. You can sell to a prospect that you don’t know anything about. While your first touch to this prospect was about selling them a product/service, when you realize that they obviously aren’t interested - learn why!

Understanding “why” is very important here. You can use BANT or any other framework that you use and ask relevant questions. The more you learn about them, the better it will be for you. In this case, you are collecting more information to strategically overcome an objection.

Here’s a good template that you can use to pivot towards data collection once you hit the “I am not interested” objection.

“I am not interested” Sales Objection Handling Template 3

“I understand that you are not interested in my {product/service}. Quick ask before what about {problem/solution}?”

Example 4 - How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

Using social proof or citing how their competitors are using your product often helps. The goal is to open them up by: Either using social proof to leverage fomo. Or, using competitor/really relevant success stories to show that your product/service makes a difference.

The key is to word it in a way that genuinely marks an impact. For example, you can say “we work with a lot of similar customers” or you can use the template below to leave a higher impact.

“I am not interested” Sales Objection Handling Template 4

“I am really surprised to hear that. We have companies like {company 1}, {company 2}, and {company 3} using our {product/service} to achieve {value}. Can I ask why you are not interested in our {product/service}?”

Example 5 - How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

Ask them if they are using a competitor instead. This is rather straightforward to ask. Use an objection handling template like below.

“I am not interested” Sales Objection Handling Template 5

“Sorry to ask, but I wanted to make sure - are you not interested in our {product/service} because you don’t use {product/service} or is it because you already are using a {product/service}?”

Example 6 - How to Handle “I am not interested” Sales Objection

Another commonly used tactic is to tell them how others prospects had felt at the start and how they all now love your {product/service}.

A good and very simple “I am not interested” objection handling template that you can use here is attached below.

“I am not interested” Sales Objection Handling Template 6

“I can understand how you must feel right now. And, honestly, most of my existing customers felt the same way too when we started. After {using the product/service} for {years/months} they are now able to {X}, {Y} and {Z}.”

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